Treatment Overview Patient: 47 year-old Female Past Medical History: DM2, Hypothyroidism Labs: HbA1C N/A,WBC N/A, RBC N/A, HgB/HCT 11.2/35.7, MCV 77.6,MCH 24.3, RDW N/A, PT N/A Wound History: Diabetic Ulcer 2A, Plantar Aspect of Right Foot, 10 Week Old Ulcer, ABI Results for the Affected Leg = 1.15, 1.3 cm2 X 0.4 cm, Moderate Amounts of Serous/Sanguineous Drainage Past Treatments: Collagen, Drawtex, Regular Surgical Debridement Offloading: TTC Download Case Study Day 0 Day 35