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Patient Details

Valley Wound Care Specialists
Non-healing cuts

Luciano, a 69-year-old man, suffered a fall that resulted in three non-healing wounds on his legs.

After unsuccessful treatment and visits to various clinics, Lou was offered a new way to support cutaneous wound healing.

In February 2019, Lou suffered a fall that resulted in three cuts on his legs – one on his left, and two on the right. In May 2019, Lou visited a wound care center to address the non-healing cuts. The scabs that formed over his cuts were removed, which caused the wounds to expand at a rapid rate.

Soon after, Lou discovered that he developed an infection – MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), a type of bacteria that is resistant to several antibiotics. Lou was prescribed antibiotics, but even still, the doctors were unable to heal his wounds.

Introducing ActiGraft®

A few weeks later, Lou was sent to Valley Wound Care Specialists in Glendale, A.Z., where he was treated with ActiGraft, an innovative wound management solution that supports the body’s natural healing processes.

With ActiGraft, Lou finally started to heal. Within the first few applications, Lou noticed a difference in the size of his wounds.

“It was a great feeling, once you start getting a good feeling when you see your wounds start to heal”

— Lou

Passion for Life

With the help of ActiGraft, Lou can get back to his favorite activities: cooking, gardening, woodworking, and swimming.


Ready to take the next step
in wound healing?

Choose with confidence and increase clinical efficiency and wound closure rate with ActiGraft PRO today.

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